- the year 2024
- oceangate
- tidbits
- hazardous 4
- keyboard spotlight: the Masterkeys S
- bird takes
- fall 2022
- mecha notes
- nginx odds and ends: redirects
- nginx odds and ends: TLS
- tmux-as-a-service
- roll yr own cdn
- keep it simple
- using PHP in 2021
- jeff bezos space launch
- my [hazardous] workflow
- milestones
- jeromatic irssi dotfile setup
- working with http/2
- vim, tmux, and termguicolors
- cargo-bay
- fun with css
- customizing the new microsoft Terminal
- On CSS in a 'component world'
- bootstrap II: git clone boogaloo
- what the hell is wrong with the GOP
- using FreeType to render fonts in Windows
- WSL sleep error - a workaround
- git with it!
- "sleeper vim", a small but mighty vimrc
- jrmux: bougiefied oh-my-tmux
- capitalist realism
- a working i3 setup for WSL
- fastCGI and furious
- Towards bootstrap!
- implementing u2f usability with ssh
- git-r-done