
jrmux: bougiefied oh-my-tmux



while tabbed terminals and other client-side session solutions seem to be gaining steam, nothing beats a program like tmux as a reliable way to maintain an extended session jacked in to a server somewhere.

I hadn't been using tmux for every long before discovering @gpakosz's awesome oh-my-tmux! dotfiles, which transform what is initially a somewhat intimidating program into a far more welcoming tool. On top of extensive tweaking to make its usage far easier, it also makes it incredibly gorgeous as well.

As much as it does, however, the default configuration is fairly conservative, which means when setting up a new environment I inevitably have to go and re-tweak and re-edit the same configs, every single time. Naturally I got tired of this, and so I forked a copy of this .tmux directory and sat out setting it up the way I like it.

major changes


You can find my tmux dotfiles at my .tmux repository. To install:

git clone https://github.com/jeromescuggs/.tmux $HOME
cd $HOME/.tmux && ./install.sh 

Note: during the install, the script looks for .tmux.conf and .tmux.conf.local in the installation location. If found, it makes backup copies and stores them in your local copy of this repository.