

summer 2024

no updates in a year! not for lack of writing, though. the goal this year is to crank out some writing about stuff that isnt tech related. maybe bring back the music section for real. write about my two-years-and-counting in the cannabis industry. i bought a new corolla to replace my old corolla so maybe some words on that.

i manage hazardous the old fashioned way (ssh, tmux, and a text editor) and i feel compelled to give a shoutout to neovim for making oldschool look so damn good.

summer 2023

hey y'all it's hot. in case you haven't been outside.

spring 2023

i was just thinking about how hazardous has been online now for some three or four years, uninterrupted. i first bought zardo.us when i was 14 years old - 20 years ago. throughout that time it's come and gone as life happened. small big deal!

speaking of url's, i picked up a new one!